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Ask AI to Research Websites
Use the power of AI to categorize and sort business websites.
ai solution agency template
Create P&L (AI)
Ask AI to create a P&L
solution template finance
Surveys: Guide to Teaching AI How to Interpret Ranges (AI)
To process survey results accurately, particularly when dealing with groups or ranges like age or duration of residence, it's essential to clearly define how these ranges should be interpreted by the AI.
ai copilot template suerveys
card preview img
Pie Chart
Show a pie chart that includes Spend and Revenue.
card preview img
Funnel Chart
Show a Funnel Chart for a marketing pipeline.
card preview img
Bar Chart on Timeline
Bar Chart on Timeline
card preview img
Bar Chart
Create a Bar Chart with totals
card preview img
Line Chart
Create a line chart.
Ask AI to create a dashboard (AI)
Imagine you have raw data in a format that's not ideal for reporting purposes. You can request AI to reformat the data for better readability.
template marketing copilot
Ad Networks ROAS (Dashboard)
Ad Networks ROAS (Workflow)
Ad Networks ROAS
Amazon TACoS Workflow Template
Amazon TACoS Workflow Template
Combine Ad Networks Stats Template
Find growth for the full period for every client
Find growth for the full period for every client.
template finance sales
Amazon TACoS Dashboard Template
Amazon TACoS Dashboard Template
For every client show the first and the last month on the record (AI)
For every client show the first and the last month on the record.
template finance sales
Show days when Fact CPA and Goal CPA gap more than 15%.
Show days when Fact CPA and Goal CPA gap more than 15%.
template marketing
Identifying and Evaluating Low-Performing Campaigns (AI)
Identify campaigns with bad performance.
template marketing
Find pattern in Page URLs
Find pattern in Page URLs
template marketing
Show me projects with status "In Progress"
Show me projects with status "In Progress"
template project_management